Friday 18 January 2013

Public Speaking...Accomplished!

In my communications class, I had to give 2 "speeches".  I have successfully completed them!  I can tell my confidence level has risen when it comes to public speaking.  I thought I was going to be so nervous!  Don't get me wrong, I was nervous, but not as bad as I thought I would be.  We only have 5 4 more classes and then my first semester at USF will be complete!

Monday 31 December 2012

First Grade

Well my first USF MBA grade has been posted.  The dread A-...This is the first grade that I have received since high school that hasn't been an A.  I can't say that I'm not a little disappointed.  I also know that my personal life has changed a ton since my undergrad years.  I'm not a full time working Momma!  So all in all, I'm very happy with my grade.  I've heard that this class was the hardest class that I'll have for my whole MBA degree.  If that's the case, then I should be OK for my other classes. 

Now to accomplish my next thing...communications.  I hate public speaking so the next 2 classes will be very terrifying for me. 

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Waiting Game

The waiting game has started.....waiting for my grades to post.  I am only waiting for one grade since I take one class at a time but the waiting always sucks!!  We were told that grades should be posted within 2 weeks, but it's been 15 days!  (I know I'm being very literal)  I will post an update once my scores are in. 

On another Grad School UND credits transferred over so that means I have one less class to take at USF which equals 9 weeks off at some point!  That will come in handy if I ever need to have an extended period of time off.

I am nearing the one month mark at my new job and I am loving it!  I'm still in the training phase but so far it seems very interesting.  I just passed my third certification test!!  So I am now a certified technician!!  (even though I still have a lot to learn)

Thursday 22 November 2012


Thanksgiving is here and I have a lot to be thankful for this year!

First my baby girl! She is my motivator when it comes to my education and career. I try my hardest to give her everything that she wants and needs.

Next my husband who supports me through everything. He encourages me and gives me strength when I don't have it. He has so much faith in my that help when my self esteem is shaken.

Then my family. I know no matter what they will always be there for me. The listen to my worries and all my complaining. I'm so grateful to have had a close family growing up. Not everyone is that lucky.

I'm also very thankful for my job and apartment. In these tough economic times, not everyone has that.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Monday 5 November 2012

Past few weeks

I see I've been slacking on my bogging. So I'll fill you in on my last couple weeks.

Big changes are happening in the Fritz household!! Danny starts a job on November 12th and I start my new job on November 15th. We are both anxious and excited to see where our new jobs will take us.

Grad school is going excellent! I can't believe I only have 4 classes left for Org behavior! My assignments are going much better. Now I understand what the teacher is looking for and know what to shoot for. Time to not lose focus on the end and what I still need to do.

This weekend we are going to Aberdeen, SD! Hopefully the snow/rain will stay away so we have good roads.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

1st Assignment

This week in my MBA class I am waiting for my grade on my first assignment.  It is very nerve wracking since it's my first official grade for USF.  The teacher grades a little different than all my professors at Northern so hopefully it will work in my favor.

This week our second assignment was due - an article critique.  I definitely preferred having a 6 page paper due instead of a one page article critique.

Things are starting to shape up in Danny's & my careers.  He has been fielding some calls for interviews.  I have a couple interviews set up this week.  I'm hoping that something plays out for both of us.  Fingers crossed!!!

Kenley has been a little busy bee.  She's not crawling yet but knows how to roll her way around.  She's in her 3rd week of daycare.  So far all seems good there except for her being sick with a cold. Oh well, her immune system should be super strong by her 1st birthday!

The next few weeks we are super busy with traveling.  This weekend we go to Fargo, ND; then it's down to Elm Creek, NE the next weekend; then we go to Aberdeen, SD for a wedding!!!  I can't wait to catch up with family and friends!! 

Wednesday 19 September 2012

1st Post

This is my very first blog post, but I wanted to start a blog to express my feelings throughout my journey to obtain my MBA.  I started Grad School on September 11th, 2012 at the University of Sioux Falls.  Not only is September 11th a huge day in United States' history, but it is also the turning point in my academic, work, and home life.  From that day until May 2015 (hopefully), I will be dedicating a huge part of my life to furthering my education.

Not only am I a Graduate student, I am a full time worker, wife, and mother.  I know all the experiences ahead of me will shape the person I will become in the near future.  I'm very excited to see where this leads me and my family.

With the start of schooling, I have also uprooted my family 6 hours from where I grew up.  This will be a true test of how I can handle this big of change with the added stress of moving and being without my closest family.  With this move, I am now closer to my oldest sister.  This is a big positive for the move.

Well, these are the only thoughts I have for now.  My goal is update this blog for sure monthly, but hopefully weekly.